Casting Side episodio 7x03
Jerry - Scene 1: Dr. Howard emerges from the hospital to find Tess (35) standing outside her car's front passenger door. She unlocks the door with her remote key and her husband Jerry locks it from the inside. Jerry has pulled the hood of his sweat jacket over his head. Tess is yelling at Jerry saying he's a jackass, for him to get out of the car, she'll break the glass and drag him through the window. They continue doing the the lock/unlock door fight. Jerry says he wants to go home and that this was a big mistake. Dr. Howard catches a glimpse of Jerry's mostly hidden face and sees several warts on his chin. Dr. Howard approaches and says if there's something wrong with him he should let them take a look at it, they can help him. Jerry asks if they can help him with these and nods towards his lap. Dr. Howard looks down and tries to hide the alarm that briefly crosses her face. She says they can help, Jerry considers her words then says she needs to open the door for him. As Dr. Howard opens the door, Jerry gets out and we see that the warts aren't only on his face but run down the length of his arms to his hands, looks like gnarly, overgrown tree roots. A nearby nurse sees Jerry and screams. Jerry says people are great, real sweethearts. Dr. Howard takes the clearly traumatized Jerry inside.
Scene 2: Dr. Howard examines Jerry's (The Treeman) root hands which are splayed on the bed. Tess and Jerry recount how they went to a dermatologist 3 years ago who removed a bunch of the warts but they grew back, they always grow back which is why, Jerry says, they should just go home. Mark says each of the warts has its own blood supply and once they’re removed there will be a lot of wounds and stitching. Jerry remarks he’ll go from looking like a tree to looking like Frankenstein. Dr. Howard says Jerry is right, the “medical” is recurring and this probably isn’t the only surgery he’ll have to go undergo. Jerry is bitter, looks at Tess and says he told her they couldn’t help. Tess tells Jerry he’s having the surgery or she’ll leave him. As mean and as angry as Jerry is, he shuts up because the thought of Tess leaving scares him.
Casting Side episodio 7x04
Jake - He's 16, athletic, good-natured and has a very enthusiastic, jocky Dad. Jake lies in bed, he's a little embarrassed because his Dad is bragging about how Jake kicked ass at his last ballet recital. Jake says ballet isn't something you kick ass at, Dad tells Dr. Howard that Jake thinks he doesn't get the whole ballet world. Jake talks about how his Dad had T-shirts printed with his picture at his last performance and it was hard to hold an arabesque when all he sees is an entire row of his face. Jake asks when he'll be having surgery. Dr. Howard says they need to run some scans on his leg first then they'll see. Jake asks if they'll then cut out the cancer, Dr. Howard answers that that's what they're hoping, Jake says the Seattle Ballet Company is doing Dom Quixote next summer and there's a part for a kid his age. Dad remarks that Jake has it in the bag. Jake says he doesn't, not yet, he needs a few months to prep his audition. Dr. Howard says they'll do their best to have him up on his feet before then. Dad jokes that Dr. Howard means back on his toes, Jakes laughs. Dr. Howard watches them, admiring their relationship.
Scene 2: Dr. Howard informs Jake and his Dad that the cancer has spread and they'll have to perform an above the knee amputation. Jake says he knew losing his leg was a possibility because bone cancer isn't something you get over real quick but he thought the odds would work in his favor this time. He's already the kid who does ballet and figured he'd been through enough crap for a teenager, he asks if there's nothing else Dr. Howard can do. Dr. Howard says sorry but they'll build him a state of the art prosthetic. Jake asks if it's a prosthetic like the creepy plastic ones, Dad says it's a prosthetic like the guy who runs the 100m has. Jake doesn't want a piece of crap plastic leg, he desperately turns around to Dr. Howard and says dancing isn't a stupid hobby or something he likes to do, dancing is something he loves to do because it's the only thing that makes him feel normal and alive. Jake pushes back his emotions, gets out of bed and although in pain, he starts to dance a beautiful, awe-inspiring piece. When he finishes, he turns to Dr. Howardand tells him/her to find him a leg that lets him do that. Dr. Howard is moved.
Avevo già proposto i casting side per l'episodio 7x02, ma dopo il salto una c'è una versione "riassunto". Oltre ai miei commenti naturalmente :P
Casting side episodio 7x02 versione compatta
Kerry - Scene 1: She's in her 20's, is a flag footballer and has bloodstained ears. Dr. Howard asks Kerry to wiggle her toes, she tries but nothing happens and she gets scared. She asks if she's going to be in a wheelchair, Dr. Howard answers they're going to take her for a CT but most likely it's temporary and some of her friends have the same thing. Kerry starts asking Dr. Howard about Warren when Mitch arrives hoped up on surviver drama. He takes Kerry's hand and she asks him about Warren. Mitch tells her he has something he needs to say - they could have died out there and he wants her to know that if they pull through this he'll love her forever. Kerry stares at him then points to her bloody ear and says 'what?' Dr. Howard hustles Mitch out saying if he isn't being treated he needs to go to the waiting room. Dr. Howard checks Kerry's ears and asks if she can hear him/her. Kerry says she can hear fine she just didn't want Mitch to know she heard what he said because he's just overexcited. She asks for someone to check on Warren, she needs to know he's ok. Dr. Howard asks if Warren is her boyfriend, she says no, Dr. Howard goes to check on Warren.Per quanto riguarda l'episodio 7x03 sappiamo che il medico che dovrà vedersela con Jerry è Mark, per quanto riguarda la dottoressa o il dottore che invece "accoglie" Jerry e sua moglie nel parcheggio è difficile fare ipotesi. Potrebbere essere Lexie oppure Miranda, entrambe secondo me si adattano alla situazione ed al modo in cui si approcciano al paziente, ma anche Jackon potrebbe rivestire il ruolo.
Scene 2: Kerry asks if she'll walk again. Dr. Howard says they'll get her back on the field. Kerry says she had him there in front of her all this time but she had all these reasons that seemed like good reasons until they almost died. She was worried about the team but it's flag football, they only play once a week and Yoko Ono broke up the Beetles. Kerry calls herself an idiot.
Scene 3: same as scene 3 in the Warren sides - Warren apologizes to Kerry for injuring her, she tells him she's in love with him, they kiss.
Episodio 7x04, qui io punto tutto sulla coppia Callie/Arizona per tutta una serie di motivi, prima di tutto Callie perchè il ragazzo ha un tumore osseo, Arizona invece entra in gioco perchè il ragazzo ha 16 anni e quindi è del reparto peditrico. Inoltre c'è il rapporto padre/figlio e quello che a me è balzato all'attenzione è il fatto di avere un padre orgoglioso di un figlio maschio che fa danza classica. Probabilmente verrà fuori che i genitori di Arizona all'inizio si sono vergognati del suo essere lesbica, e quindi questo episodio ci può portare a conoscere meglio l'infanzia di Arizona ed a consolidare la sua relazione con Callie, inoltre potrebbe mostrarci una Arizona che desidera, nel caso che ci saranno figli nella loro vita, riuscire ad instuarare con loro un rapporto come quello che c'è tra Dad e Jake.
Il casting side dell'episodio 7x02 è semplicemente un reimpasto abbreviato di quello visto in precedenza, manca un personaggio maschile ed è chiaro sin da subito che a Kerry non interessa niente di Mitch dicendo poi al dottore di turno che non si è mai dichiarata con Warren per paura di dividere la squadra, come a suo tempo fece Yoko Ono con i "the Beetles".
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