Tv guide dobbaimo aspettarci un altro crossover tra le due serie
Grey's Anatomy e
Private Practice's:
"It’s so fantastic for so many reasons,” Scorsone, who plays Dr. Amelia Shepherd, sister to Grey’s Anatomy’s Derek (Patrick Dempsey), tells TVGuide of her promotion. “The set is really a wonderful environment. Everyone is generous and fantastic, so to know that’s going to be my home for a while is pretty nice.”
Amelia was introduced late last season, when she clashed with the Oceanside Wellness docs over whether she could save one of their patient’s lives. “She’s very complex,” says Scorsone, who actually went to medical school before deciding she’d rather play a doctor than be a doctor. “She inspires a whole rainbow of emotions in all the people around her. She’s lovable and annoying at the same time,” Scorsone says. “She’s also tough and fragile at the same time.”
Though she plays Derek's sister, Scorsone has yet to work with Dempsey, but is itching to do so. "It is a little bit intimidating, knowing how passionate people are, wanting to honor their expectations in the relationship with Derek, who is so deeply a part of people's emotional journey on this show."
Exclusive: Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice's next crossover? A Shepherd reunion
Executive producer Shonda Rhimes told TVGuide earlier this year that the writers were already discussing a Shepherd-centric crossover. "We've absolutely been talking about that," adds Scorsone. "Based on the history we've already established between Amelia and Derek, there definitely has to be some sort of encounter at some point."
As for the Season 4 premiere of Private, which the cast is currently shooting, Scorsone says the story will jump ahead a few weeks from Dell’s death. “Everyone’s had a little time to process and grieve” she says
Pare che la nostra
Shonda Rhimes non sia soddisfatta se almeno una volta a stagione non faccia incontrare i protagonisti delle due serie, questa volta pare che dobbiamo aspettarci una riunione di famiglia con tutti gli, anzi le,
Shepherd. A dire il vero in molti si aspettano questa rimpatriata familiare per il semplice fatto che in un episodio della seconda stagione il nostro
Derek rimase al capezzale di una ragazza vittima di violenza, perchè con lei non c'era nessuno, e lui disse che era cresciuto in una famiglia in cui non si sarebbe permetto al familiare malato di restare da solo, quindi c'è da aspettarsi che in modo più o meno diretto ci venga fatto sapere che la madre e le sorelle di
Derek sono venute al suo capezzale dopo che è stato colpito.
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