Andrew Perkins - Perkins is having a cup of coffee in the executive conference room and Dr. Daniels storms in. He's angry because Perkins cleared Dr. Henderson for surgery and asks Perkins what kind of a doctor he is. Perkins sees Dr. Henderson standing in the doorway and Dr. Henderson says it's okay for him to talk to Dr. Daniels. Perkins explains that Dr. Henderson got snowed, Psych had him on heavy doses of anti-psychotics and benzos and he slept for 50 hours straight. When he woke up he was no longer a risk to himself or others. Dr. Henderson has PTSD, most of them do and for him it caused severe sleep deprivation and that lead to a break down. He just needed sleep. Dr. Daniels asks Perkins if in his estimation it's the best thing for Dr. Henderson to be back at work. Perkins says in his estimation Dr. Henderson is rational, reflective and on a normal sleep-wake cycle and the protocol is to send him back to work. The system isn't perfect but it's the one they got.Nel castin dello strizza cervelli francamente non ho idea di chi possono essere i personaggi. Per quanto riguardo la seconda scena concordo con la maggioranza secondo cui Cristina è la maggiore indiziata, perchè farebbe di tutto pur di tornare a lavoro, ma anche Meredith e Miranda si addicono alla scena.
In the second scene, Dr. Anderson asks Perkins what he wants her to say and she'll say it. Perkins looks at Dr. Anderson with compassion and says he doesn't think she's being honest with him or herself and that's potentially a dangerous thing. Perkins asks her what it is she isn't telling him.
Per la prima scena non mi pronuncio perchè francamente non ho proprio ben capito la dinamica, secondo molti sono due personaggi legati intimamente, ma non capisco da dove lo vedano.
Mentre l'altro avviene in ginecologia, o reparto simile, e secondo molti la protagonista è la nostra Meredith, la quale naturalmente deve fare un controllo in seguito all'aborto, mentre l'accompagnatrice non è chiara, secondo molti sono Lexie o Cristina, io invece punto tutto su April
The OB is working on a patient named Jennifer, who is there with her sister Margaret. She's about to perform some procedure on Jennifer, Margaret's cell phone rings, she leaves to take the call, and the OB asks Jennifer if she wants to wait for Margaret to come back.
Come sempre noi non possiamo fare altro che divertirci ad ipotizzare
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