Per quanto riguarda il suo personaggio nella settima stagione non ha idea se avrà una storia romantica, ma lui crede proprio che prima o poi arriverà anche il suo momento e pare che si andrà a formare un legame tra Jackson e Cristina (interpretata da Sandra Oh).
Si parla poi del fatto che il suo personaggio e quello di April (interpretata da Sarah Drew) sono rimasti gli unici del Mercy West e questo li farà sentire nuovamente come dei pesci fuori l'acqua.
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We had a chance to speak with “Grey’s Anatomy’s” newest regular, Jesse Williams (who plays Jackson), at ABC’s Press Tour day and he gave us some hints as to what to expect from his character next season.
Williams says he had an inkling of expectation that he would be promoted to a regular, but that it unfolded over time.
“It was wonderful. It was kind of time-release period of information,” he says. “I knew I got picked up for the option and I knew it was a possibility, a narrow possibility. And then I got the news overseas on a break during the hiatus. So, it was great. It was a nice little treat during vacation, to bring it all back together.”
When asked what we can expect of his character going forward, Williams says he hasn’t heard whether his character will get into some kind of romantic storyline, but he’s sure something is coming up. Though, we’ve heard something is building between his character and Christina Yang (played by Sandra Oh).
It also seems like the bloody finale has set him and the other surviving Mercy West transfer, April, back in their quest to become part of the team, though new digs might help.
“We lost two of our roommates and good friends in the finale,” he says. “We were already kind of the new guys in the hospital, so Sarah Drew’s character and mine, Jackson and April, are again fish out of water. We just started to get acclimated and then here we are again thrown upside down.”
fonte zap2it
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