Alle varie domande rivolte a Sarah Ramirez riguardo al suo personaggio Callie Torres ed alla sua compagna Arizona Robbins, la nostra attrice praticamente non ha risposto.
Sarah infatti non si è sbottonata più di tanto sul futuro di Calzona, secondo lei il suo personaggio sarebbe pronto per il grande passo del matrimonio, ma nutre dei dubbi su Arizona. Non sa se la sua compagna è pronta per il matrimonio e se veramente è pronta ad avere dei figli.
Secondo Sarah, se in futuro ci saranno dei figli nella coppia, l'adozione sarebbe la soluzione migliore.
Quello che maggiormente mi preoccapa è che in un certo senso Sarah si è detta favorevole all'introduzione di un elemento di disturbo tra le due amanti, un elemento di disturbo che a me suona tanto come "ennesimo triangolo". Giustamente Sarah sostiene che se non ci sono tensioni nelle storie televisive non c'è nemmeno divertimento, ma devo ammettere che i triangoli mi avrebbero stancato.
Voi siete pro o contro una trama Callie Arizona TerzoIncomodo?
Last season, Grey’s Anatomy ended with multiple cliffhangers—one of which was Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) agreeing to have a baby with Callie. Does Arizona keep her promise in the new season?
I feel like the shooting in last season’s finale—which was well received by a lot of people—caused a lot of characters to make decisions about their lives and their partners. It will be interesting to see how those promises play out. I don’t know if Arizona jumped the gun—or if she really meant it that she’s going to have a kid with Callie. I don’t know if she wants to be with Callie forever.
Is there any chance that Callie and Arizona will enter into a domestic partnership?
Callie has been married once before and I know that she promised her father that she would walk down the aisle in a wedding dress—if Arizona were into that. But I don’t know where Arizona’s at with the whole situation. I think Callie would be into that.
Do you personally want to see Callie walk down the aisle on Grey’s?
I would like to see Callie with someone who is not just her lover, but also her friend—somebody who’s in it for the long haul. Right now Callie is with Arizona and I’m really happy that she’s found someone that she’s happy with, at the moment. I want Callie to ultimately be really happy with herself.
If Callie and Arizona have a kid on the show, do you think one of them would get pregnant or would they adopt a child?
I’ve thought about that. I think adoption would be really interesting because it removes the whole sperm donor issue. Adoption is a global issue these days—it’s certainly current—and it’s encouraging for a lot of couples whether they’re straight or gay.
Is there any chance that Grey’s would introduce a new love interest to come between Callie and Arizona?
Jessica and I have talked about this a lot. I think [Callie and Arizona] need conflict. I think they should bring in somebody else to threaten the relationship, because that happens all of the time in real life. Whether people are straight or gay, you know, shit happens! Conflict happens. People aren’t happy all of the time.
How do you think the fans would react to that?
It’s a touchy subject. I know that there are many fans out there that feel represented and they are hungry for a lesbian or gay couple that is not dysfunctional, that is healthy, grounded and happy. On the flipside, that could be really boring to watch! [Laughs] Everybody’s really interested to see if Callie and Arizona are going to end up being the happy lesbian couple that nobody really pays attention to—because they’re happy in the corner. I hope they will continue to challenge the relationship because it’s more interesting and more real.
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