Non che la precedente intervista dicesse poi tanto, ma questa è ancora pià scarna anche perchè sono quelle interviste diciamo a 360°, dove i nostri attori non solo parlano del loro lavoro attuale, ma parlano di loro in generale, della loro vita privata, dei loro progetti passati, presenti e futuri.
Di questa intevista però c'è una parte che mi ha colpito perchè secondo me va letta tra le righe. La nostra Kim infatti dice che SPERA che finalmente il triangolo che l'ha vista protagonista per tutta la sesta stagione sia concluso perchè effettivamente adesso non avrebbe senso andare avanti con questa storia. Lei dice che il triangolo è stato un modo fantastico di introdurre il personaggio, ma secondo me lo ha detto perchè è una persona educata che non va dai giornalisti a dire cose tipo "penso che la trama che ha introdotto il mio personaggio non sia stata una delle migliori, dato che il mio ruolo è sempre stato solo quello del terzo incomodo, speriamo che questa storia si finita e che nella settima stagione vengano fuori tutte le reali potenzialità del mio personaggio".
Forse tra un poco, quando la sua posizione all'interno della grande famiglia di Grey's Anatomy si sarà stabilizzata, Kim avrà la possibilità di parlare più liberamente o di rilasciare dei "no comment" che dicono più di mille parole.
Comunque quel "speriamo" mi lascia intendere che pure lei è stufa del triangolo Cristina/Owen/Teddy, un triangolo che effettivamente aveva delle potenzialità e poteva essere un ottimo modo per approfondire sia il personaggio di Cristina che di Owen, un triangolo che poteva introdurre Teddy, ma che secondo me è stato mal gestito, mal spiegato, mal fruttato al punto da risultare una trama odiosa ed inutile al pari di quella del fantasma di Danny della quinta stagione.
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Ho messo tutto in grassetto la parte dell'intervista inerente a Grey's Anatomy
Judging her by the characters she plays on television, you would think Kim Raver is a very complicated woman.
First she was Jack Bauer’s love interest Audrey Raines on 24, the married interagency liaison for the Department of Defense who was implicated in a series of ongoing terrorist attacks. Then there was Nico Reilly of Lipstick Jungle, the successful but tortured editor in chief of Bonfire magazine who had an affair with a sexy young boy toy as revenge for her inattentive husband’s affairs. Now she’s Dr. Teddy Altman on Grey’s Anatomy, an Iraq war surgeon who finds herself working in the same hospital as her old flame (who happens to be in love with another woman).
But in real life, Raver lives an amazingly uncomplicated—if currently busy—life.
Growing up in New York, Raver spent a lot of her time in what she describes as the Bridgehampton of the past, “a quiet, hippie, country town.” “We had a tire swing out front; there was our house, and the rest was fields,” Raver says. “We could literally go out and collect leftover potatoes and throw them in the water. I told people that the Hamptons I grew up in was the country, because it really was.”
Today, when she visits her parents and sister in Bridgehampton (with husband Manu Boyer and sons Leo and Luke), the 41-year-old actress remains nostalgic for some of the trappings of that country town—particularly the old drive-in movie theater, something she aspires to bring back. “We could all get in the back of a pickup truck and throw a mattress in the back and watch some great movies,” she says. Still, with or without the drive-in, the Hamptons are where her heart is. “The minute I take a walk on the beach, I immediately feel like I’m at home.”
Home is unfortunately a little farther away now. After Lipstick Jungle was cancelled in 2009, Raver and her family moved out to Los Angeles, where she was given a recurring guest role on Grey’s Anatomy. Practically everything about working in Los Angeles was opposite to what she had become used to on the Lipstick set, which was often the streets of New York.
“Shooting in New York is like guerilla shooting,” says Raver. “The energy you get from being on the street is also the energy that’s taken away from you. Brooke [Shields] and I once had a three-page scene walking through Times Square in February, in below-zero weather in short skirts and huge high heels, running through traffic. After that, it’s such a pleasure to be on the set of Grey’s in my scrubs, where it’s so quiet and it’s always warm.”
Joining a show like Grey’s in its sixth season initially seemed to Raver akin to joining a senior class in the middle of the school year—but it wasn’t. “Everyone was so welcoming,” Raver says of the cast. “I wasn’t sure what to expect because they have such a well-oiled machine, but everyone has been so inclusive, and that’s rare to find.” Of course, it certainly didn’t hurt that she’s so committed to her character, Teddy, that she watched an entire seven-hour open-heart surgery in a real operating room as part of her preparation.
Raver’s character, who has become a series regular, was introduced as the odd woman out of a love triangle between fellow Iraq war veteran Owen (played by Kevin McKidd) and Cristina (Sandra Oh)—a triangle she believes (although she can’t entirely confirm) has reached its conclusion following the harrowing two-hour season finale, in which a shooter terrorized Seattle Grace Hospital and essentially wiped the slate clean of past drama.
“I’m guessing the triangle is going to be over this season, which is great,” Raver says. “I think it was a fantastic way to throw Teddy into the [mix], but now I think Teddy is kind of established at Grace, and it would be nice to see her branch into her own thing.”
While Raver is looking forward to more Grey’s, fans of her role in 24 are hoping to see her in a big-screen adaptation of the dramatic series that was cancelled this spring after eight seasons. When we last left the character of Audrey Raines, she was catatonic after being tortured by the Chinese government, leaving open a window of opportunity for now-fugitive Jack Bauer and Raines to one day reunite.
But as far as Raver knows, Audrey’s future remains uncertain. “It’s a tricky question,” she says. “I would love to be a part of it. It may just not be the time. You never know how that Jack Bauer storyline is going to be. It’s really like James Bond. You just never know.”
Fonte: Hampton’s Magazine
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