lunedì 16 agosto 2010

Grey's Anatomy: c'è da aggiungere un posto in tavola?

Si fa sempre più vicino il passaggio di Tupper, che interpreterà il terapeuta Andrew Perkins, da personaggio ricorrente ad ennesimo membro visso del cast di Grey's Anatomy.
L'attore infatti era stato chiamato per solo il primo episodio nel quale aveva il compito di "guarire" un personaggio, che sappiamo essere Lexie, che aveva iniziato a fare uso di sostante a causa degli eventi di fine sesta stagione, poi naturalmente doveva tenere un breve colloquio con altri dottori per verificare come avessero reagito agli eventi. L'attore però è riuscito a conquistare subito tutti, quindi gli è stato chiesto di tornare per un secondo episodio e poi per un terzo. Adesso sembra che si sia messa in moto la macchina per l'assunzione di nuovi personaggi, quindi il nostro attore dovrà non solo conquistare autori, produttori, dirigenti ABC, ma anche il pubblico. Forse non lo vedremo in tutti gli episodi, ma non stupitevi se la sua presenza sarà necessaria più volte nel corso della settima stagione.
Secondo alcuni la sua presenza si rende necessaria perchè Derek, da quando è felicemente sposato, non è più quel personaggio su cui le donne possono fantasticare e Dane, dopo lo scandalo del vido, pare abbia perso punti simpatia tra i dirigenti ABC. Intanto comunque pare che l'attore, canadese, abbia già iniziato a fare amicizia con Sandra Oh (Cristina) anche lei canadese.

Naturalmente in rete c'è già chi maligna che Andrew potrebbe essere un valido sostituto di Owen, soprattutto considerando che Teddy ha già messo gli occhi sul bel terapeuta. Potrebbe essere una bella vendetta per la nostra Cristina, creare sconmpiglio nella vita sentimentale di Teddy dopo che lei lo ha fatto nella sua.

Voi cosa ne pensate? Credete che ci sia spazio per un altro personaggio regolare anche se solo come ruolo di "fidanzato di Teddy"?
LOS ANGELES — Call him Dr. McSwoon or Dr. McHeartthrob — but just keep calling him.

Good news for not-seen-enough McCanadian hunk James Tupper and his fans: It seems Tupper may be poised to become the newest hunk on the hit show Grey’s Anatomy, according to an ABC source.

Originally asked to guest star just one time as a trauma counsellor in the first episode of the upcoming season, Tupper heated up the camera so much that he was asked to stay on for the second episode … And the third.

“The camera is just eating him up and producers are very aware of his hunk factor,” the source said. “We’re hoping this might be just the beginning for James on Grey.”

Tupper — who first made TV-watching gals swoon as a scientist in Men in Trees, then as a doctor in the now-cancelled Mercy — was originally only cast to play trauma counsellor Dr. Andrew Perkins for the first episode of Grey’s Season 7. His character is sent in to soothe traumatized Seattle Grace Hospital staff after a psychotic sniper shot at half of them in the last season’s heart-pounding finale.

But once the rushes of the first episode came back, producers zeroed in on the “je ne sais quoi” sexy, intelligent, calm demeanour the Dartmouth, N.S., exudes and asked the writing staff to bring him back.

The initial episodes are being shown to focus groups and ABC executives. Whether viewers tune in or out will be considered the final factor once the first episode of the season airs Sept. 23.

“If James is as popular with the Grey audience as he is with producers, I think a regular slot could easily happen. Even if he’s not in all of the early episodes, it should be fairly easy to write him back in,” the source said.

The fact Tupper can go head to head with such darlings as Patrick Dempsey’s Dr. “McDreamy” Derek Shepherd and Eric Dane’s Dr. “McSteamy” Mark Sloane is no surprise to female fans who have been swooning over Tupper’s characters in Men in Trees and Mercy.

While there are many hot hunks in Grey’s stable, Dempsey’s character has become a lot less dreamy now that he’s turned into a rather ornery, put-upon hospital chief. Not to mention all the romantic drama and flirting that kept viewers tuned in is over since he was put in a stable marriage with Ellen Pompeo’s Meredith Grey.

As for Dane, who splits his acting time between Grey’s and its spinoff Private Practice, his personal reputation may have taken a bit of a hit this year with the surprise publication of a homemade sex tape.

Dr. Andrew Perkins may just be what the female staff at Seattle Grace ordered.

And what lucky gal would get him? Might it be the series’ second leading lady and fellow Canadian Sandra Oh? Let’s not forget, her relationship with trauma doc Kevin Kidd (who plays Owen Hunt) has been a little dodgy since his old girlfriend came back to town.

Although I’m not privy to anything in the script, I have been told that Tupper — married to actress Anne Heche, whom he met while filming Men in Trees in Vancouver — and Oh do hang out during breaks.

“They’re comfortable together, they do pal around.Maybe it’s the Canadian thing,” joked the source. “Rehearsing lines that have ‘about’ and trying to sound American?”

fonte toronto sun

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